Thursday, February 25, 2010

A Fifth Lesson on What Skin May Reveal

Cover in progress for the issue that's also in progress, yikes!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Black Hat

Some character design for my first ever post-apocalyptic adventure comic! These are preliminary, rough, and will probably evolve drastically:


I finally updated the illustration section of my website after about a year of nothing. Laaaazy.. Click below to see it:

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Face Mash Up Overload


Jupiter has it

Sketchbook Decoration

Lichi as an Ape with Angel Glands:
Lichi as the Mind-Expanded Modern Nightmare Lichi

Besprinkling the UNIVERSE

Time to christen the new blog with the glory of what's out the window and some wonderful NASA porn. I realize it's old news to the world but I just can't resist. It's my wallpaper right now:
Image: Flickr/Adam CroweImage: my celly


Here's the new blog! The old one will disappear soon and gradually be integrated into the professional wonder of the ol' website: